How I can help

I can help you with

  • Anxiety, depression,  and stress
  • Loss and bereavement
  • Childhood trauma
  • Trauma
  • Separation and divorce
  • Friend and family dynamics
  • Work related difficulties
  • Menopause
  • Maternal mental health
  • Other                                                                                           Scroll down for further information


Anxiety is a normal human emotion. It can have positive effects like motivating us to study for an exam or before a job interview. However, anxiety symptoms can occasionally overwhelm us and have a detrimental impact on our daily lives. There are many different types of anxiety, such as generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, social anxiety, health anxiety, and phobias. It is common to feel anxiety in addition to another illness, namely depression.

Anxiety can affect us both physically and emotionally. Symptoms vary between individuals, but can include:

  • Constant feelings of worry and unease
  • Panic attacks
  • Withdrawal from relationships or activities that we normally enjoy
  • Overthinking things that we have said or done
  • Giving up on goals, relationships, or dreams in order to avoid anxious thoughts and feelings
  • Excessive worrying about our loved ones
  • Excessive worrying about health and death
  • Insomnia/restlessness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • A sense of hopelessness or despair
  • Dizziness and heart palpitation
  • Pins and needles/electric shock sensations
  • Headaches/body aches

Through exploring behavioural techniques I can help you manage your symptoms of anxiety, supporting you to achieve long term psychological adjustments by evaluating and understanding the underlying causes of your anxiety. This could include looking at how past life events or traumas could be impacting you in the present. 

To make an appointment call or text on 0755324614, email Or book a free consultation via the contacts page.

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Everyone has days where they feel sad or low. However, depression is different, as these feelings stay for prolonged periods. It is important to understand that depression is not a sign of weakness or something you can "snap out of," but rather a recognised condition that can affect anybody. Depression can have clear causes such as the death of a loved one, redundancy, or a medical diagnosis. Although sometimes there may be no apparent cause, and when we hear people unhelpfully ask, “what have you got to be depressed about?” this can cause us pain and leave us questioning ourselves. 

Symptoms of depression are varied but can include: 

Low mood/fatigue
Difficulty sleeping/restlessness
Finding no pleasure in things that you used to enjoy
Feeling empty, numb, or stuck
Feeling restless/tearful
 Feeling suicidal

Counselling can provide extra support during difficult times. Talking to somebody impartial can help you to make sense of how you are feeling and help you to recognise that you won't always feel this way.

To make an appointment call or text on 0755324614, email Or book a free consultation via the contacts page.


Contact Joanne at Thrive


Stress is a negative reaction to excessive pressure or other events in our lives. The obligations imposed on us can sometimes leave us feeling overwhelmed or overburdened. It may be a result of feeling that we have more work than we can fit into our working day, or it could be connected to financial or relationship concerns, or a change in our circumstances, such as moving house or having to look after an elderly relative. Not all stress is unhealthy, it's a natural human reaction that can motivate us. However, if we are overwhelmed by stress for an extended length of time, it can have an negative effect on our mental and physical health.

Signs and symptoms of stress can be

  • Have racing thoughts or difficulty concentrating
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Feel constantly worried, anxious, or scared
  • Irritability
  • Feel a lack of self-confidence
  • Have trouble sleeping and fatigued
  • Avoid things or people you are having problems with Increased levels of drinking or smoking
  • Be eating more than usual

I can help you explore the reasons for your stress and develop strategies which can help you learn how to cope. Talking helps us go back to basics about how we are feeling when we’re stressed, and why. It’s about being listened to and being accepted for who we are.

To make an appointment call or text on 0755324614, email Or book a free consultation via the contacts page.

Contact Joanne at Thrive

Building Self-Confidence and  Self-Esteem

We value ourselves based on our self-esteem. The way we feel about ourselves, our life, and our capabilities might be good, negative, or somewhere in between. Self-esteem and low self-confidence can influence many aspects of our lives, including work and relationships with family and friends.
When we have low self-esteem, we don't value ourselves very highly. It's possible that we've adopted a pessimistic view of life, which might cause us to feel hopeless or worthless. We may spend a lot of time evaluating ourselves against others, believing that we are undeserving, and other people are far superior to us, which causes us to lack confidence in ourselves.
Raising one's self-esteem and building self confidence comes from understanding the negative messages which are causing you to feel this way. Once you understand and acknowledge them, then you can start to take steps to address them.

To make an appointment call or text on 0755324614, email Or book a free consultation via the contacts page.

Contact Joanne at Thrive

Separation and Divorce

Separation and divorce can be a painful, chaotic, stressful, frightening, and anxious period in your life. It can prompt a wide range of emotions, such as guilt, rage, confusion, and also relief. Your experiences are particular to you and there is no right or wrong way to feel. I will sit with you and offer you a safe environment and the time you need to understand your experiences and feelings, whatever they may be.

To make an appointment call or text on 0755324614, email Or book a free phone or online consultation via the contacts page.

Contact Joanne at Thrive

Grief, Bereavement and Loss

Loss may take many different forms, and grief is a natural reaction to loss. It's crucial to keep in mind that everyone experiences grief differently and that there is no "correct" way to grieve or set amount of time in which to do so. Sometimes, because of the complexity of our relationship with the deceased, their death may cause us to experience unsettling or unexpected feelings.

Grief can cause a range of symptoms including:

  • ​Anger
  • Guilt
  • Anxiety
  • Regret
  • Sadness
  • Depression
  • Pain and distress
  • Loneliness  
  • Anxiety about our own mortality
  • Insomnia

Other than grief, there are various life situations that cause us to feel anguish and loss. For instance, when a significant relationship ends or when we lose our job, we could feel grief. Or possibly as we mature and enter a new phase of life, we will experience loss-related difficulties. When we are grieving, it may be difficult to talk to our usual network of support. People can respond to us differently when they are unsure of how to approach personal loss. When we are not ready, our loved ones may  put pressure on us to move forward. Counselling may be helpful during this time because it provides a secure, comforting setting in which you can speak honestly about your thoughts with someone impartial.

To make an appointment call or text on 0755324614, email Or book a free consultation via the contacts page.

Contact Joanne at Thrive

Childhood Trauma

Childhood trauma and the effects it may have on us as adults are a particular area of interest for me. Childhood trauma can happen when a child experiences or witnesses a traumatic incident, such as medical trauma, sexual abuse, or neglect. It may also be the consequence of persistent bullying, emotional "threats" from a parent or caretaker, such as, "if you don't do as I say, then you will know about it," or the loss of a parent due to divorce or bereavement. The list of incidents and experiences that lead to childhood trauma is not exhaustive. I understand taking this first step towards seeking help is difficult and to begin addressing your adverse childhood experiences is challenging. However, we will go at your pace, and you will be understood and unjudged.

To make an appointment call or text on 0755324614, email Or book a free consultation via the contacts page.

Contact Joanne at Thrive


Our mental health and general wellbeing can be significantly impacted by trauma. There are well-known causes of trauma, such as traumatic experiences, abuse, injury, or accidents, but trauma may also occur in situations that are less well-known, depending on how we perceive them. Our reactions to traumatic situations vary from person to person, so what affects one person may not affect another.

Common symptoms of trauma can include:

  • ​Flashbacks
  • Anxiety
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Depression
  • Anger
  • Feeling detached
  • Feeling helpless

Being able to express our thoughts and feelings to a professional in a supportive environment may help us understand what has happened and then be able to go on with our lives.

To make an appointment call or text on 0755324614, email Or book a free consultation via the contacts page.

Contact Joanne at Thrive

Family and Friend Dynamics


No family is perfect, and it can be difficult to see family problems as they develop for those whose family relationships which have never been obviously "poor." Family issues encompass a wide range of varied problems that impact each member of the family, going far beyond issues like abuse or addiction. Family problems can include any sort of dynamic, behaviour, and/or pattern which disrupts the household or family at large. They can range from less serious, more everyday difficulties like resolving personality conflicts or sharing housework, to more serious problems like having a narcissistic parent, abuse, or generational trauma.  Family problems cause stress and tension, which in turn has a negative impact on the members of that family, especially if there are small children involved. Deciding to seek therapy about family difficulties could feel disloyal or inappropriate but exploring your family dynamics in a non-judgemental environment could help you understand what is happening and why you feel so anxious or dejected. Often the lack of open and healthy communication is at the root of many general family problems, therefore understanding such concepts as the drama triangle could help navigate family relationships.

To make an appointment call or text on 0755324614, email Or book a free consultation via the contacts page.


You may be fortunate to have strong dependable friends in your life, or do you find it difficult to make and keep friendships? Sometimes we need help in understanding the ebbs and flows of friendships. It’s clear that when it comes to our mental health friends often play a pivotal role. Feelings of tension, worry, loneliness, isolation, and hopelessness can all be brought on by, or made worse by unhealthy friendships. When a person lacks the comforting security of a caring friendship, struggles that may seem tiny and unimportant to another might become insurmountable. Having a good friend gives you confidence and security. However, our inner world can be contaminated, and our self-worth can be destroyed by "toxic" friends. Therapy can help you from falling into the same types of relationships which leave you feeling used and alone. Learning to understand what you want and need in friendships, how they influence your emotional wellbeing and developing the tools to subjectively evaluate if friendships feel balanced and mutual is a valuable life tool.

To make an appointment call or text on 0755324614, email Or book a free consultation via the contacts page.

Contact Joanne at Thrive

Work Related Problems

We can spend a large proportion of our days, months, and years at work and workplace dynamics, such as how we get along with our co-workers, how tasks are assigned, and if we have an understanding boss can have a big impact on our physical and mental health. A ‘toxic workplace’ can include poor communication, verbal abuse, imbalanced workloads, and bullying, which in turn can lead to sickness, trigger burnouts, and can affect our homelife. Learning to cope with everyday work stress, the office bully and develop boundaries can all help improve our mental wellbeing. Talking through difficulties in a safe non-judgemental environment can help reduce stress and workplace anxiety.

To make an appointment call or text on 0755324614, email Or book a free consultation via the contacts page.

Contact Joanne at Thrive


Every woman will go through the menopause at some point in their life. One in four women will experience mild symptoms, whereas three in four will encounter life changing and sometimes debilitating symptoms, due to the drop in their oestrogen levels. A BBC survey conducted in 2018 reported 48% of women between the ages of 50-55 years said that their mental health was affected by their menopausal symptoms. Contrary to popular belief, menopause does not only affect women in their 50s. Perimenopause (which is the time between the onset of symptoms and when a woman has gone 12 months without having a period), usually starts in a woman’s 40s and is hardly ever accompanied by hot flushes. More common symptoms are, anxiety, low mood, sleep disturbance, fatigue, irritability, poor memory etc. Moreover, the decline in hormones can be extremely consequential when a woman has had to go through surgical or medical menopause. Many women find themselves emotionally overwhelmed and are conscious they have gone from feeling even-tempered and happy, to fluctuating between angry, irritable, and crying. Many women say they feel like they have lost who they thought they were, and are often left questioning, if they will ever return to the person they once were, or is she has gone forever? Others may grieve for their loss of their fertility, having the choice to have a baby now taken away. Furthermore, symptoms could be compounded by ‘empty nest syndrome’- when your children leave home for university or permanently, resulting in women feeling redundant and questioning their meaning and purpose.

Staggeringly one in four women will consider leaving their jobs due to their symptoms, reporting they feel unsupported and unable to discuss their circumstances with their managers. Sadly, personal relationships  can breakdown caused from both physical and emotional symptoms leading to a stagnation in communication, understanding and the lack of sexual desire. Therefore, the menopause can be a critical time for relationships, and the breakdown of long-term marriages has risen by 19% in recent years for those of menopausal age. Relate state that seven out of ten divorces are now initiated by women.

As a therapist who myself has had to undergo surgical menopause in my early 40s, I am fully aware and understand the stresses and strains of this multifaceted difficult time in one’s life. Therefore, I can offer an empathetic understanding and time to work through the emotional turmoil the menopause can bring.

To make an appointment call or text on 0755324614, email Or book a free consultation via the contacts page.

Contact Joanne at Thrive

Maternal Mental Health

Having a baby is one of life’s big events and its natural to experience a whole range of emotions during and after birth. However, if you begin to feel overwhelmed, anxious or experience low mood, over a prolonged period and it is affecting your day-to-day life, you might be experiencing a perinatal mental health problem.

Around 1 in 5 women will experience a perinatal mental health problem during their pregnancy or within the first few postnatal years. Unfortunately, due to societal pressures and expectations 70% will hide or underplay their difficulties. Staggeringly, suicide is the leading cause of direct maternal death within a year of giving birth. Perinatal mental health problems can have a long-term impact of a woman’s self-esteem and relationships with their child, partners, and family.

  • Examples of perinatal mental health problems include:
  • Antenatal and/or postnatal depression
  • Anxiety
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Eating disorders

If you have recently had a baby and you’re struggling with your mental health, it can feel very isolating, and you may find it difficult to be able to talk openly about how you are really feeling. You could feel pressured to be happy and thankful, to be ‘the perfect mother’ or to be a certain dress size and fill the role as a ‘yummy mummy’.  I will listen to your problems without judgement, and I can support you  with your concerns and difficulties.

To make an appointment call or text on 0755324614, email Or book a free consultation via the contacts page.